Technical Prep for GGS Holiday Stream

Technical Prep for GGS Holiday Stream

Here are the technical details for the audio setup for the Golden Gate Symphony Holiday Concert on December 24, 2020.

Broadcast Setup

Stream from OBS to facebook from Charith’s laptop. The OBS scene includes
  • Window capture of Media App (VLC) to play pre-recorded videos
  • Window capture of Zoom for remote performances
  • Audio from SSL2+, video from webcam on tripod & webcam on laptop for live performances.
Do we need loopback or iShowU Audio Capture to broadcast audio into OBS?

Audio Setup, Room 302

Audio into mixing board

  • Vocal Mic: eV Re20 (grey broadcast mic) preamp J99 (with 48V phantom power) channel 1 (pre mostly off, pan center)
  • Room Mic: AEA R84 (black/silver cigar mic) preamp C84 (no phantom power) channel 2 (pre 11 o’clock, pan center)
  • String mic I: sE1a (pencil mic) channel 3 (pre 10 o’clock, pan L)
  • String mic II: sE1a (pencil mic) channel 5 (pre 10 o’clock, pan R)
  • String mic III: Sennheiser e604 dynamic mic channel 4 (pre ?, pan center)
All channels 1-5 assigned to 1-2 Sub 1 assigned L Sub 2 assigned R Faders at U for channels 1-5, subs 1-2, and main mix

Audio into interface

mixing board output main L into preamp N72. mixing board output main R into preamp A12 preamp N72 into SSL2+ channel 1 preamp A12 into SSL2+ channel 2

Audio Setup, Room 313

Bring mixing board into FH room 312. Bring over broadcast mic eV Re20 All other inputs are from preamps in cube

Audio into mixing board

  • Broadcast mic: eV Re20 channel 1 (increase preamp)
  • Piano mic I: Beyerdynamic (black & silver) preamps Fredenstein L channel 3 (lower preamp)
  • Piano mic II: Beyerdynamic (black & silver) preamps Fredenstein R channel 5 (lower preamp)
  • Piano mic III: Cascade Gomez (gold) preamp True PSolo-L channel 4
  • Vocal mic: AEA R84 (cigar black & silver) preamp SLAM-L channel 2
Optionally, route voice channel 2 into assign 3-4, Sub 3 assigned L Sub 4 assigned R Faders at U for channels 1-5, subs 1-4, and main mix mix piano/voice balance as Sub 1-2 vs 3-4

Audio into interface

mixer main outs L & R into SSL2+ channels 1-2.
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